Effects of land-use change on taxonomic and functional diversity in African savannas

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Title:Main Title: Effects of land-use change on taxonomic and functional diversity in African savannas
Description:Abstract: MSC thesis on vegetation survey data collected in Zambezi Region, Namibia in 2018-2019. This thesis analyses tree biodiversity under varying land-uses. Analyses of trait space link taxonomic to functional diversity and different diversity proxies are compared. Trophic rewilding of elephants in conservation areas showed varied but mostly negative effects depending on the proxy, elephant density, and prior vegetation structure. Conversion of undisturbed savanna to rangeland boosts functional richness, however we found conflicting results regarding taxonomic diversity. Agricultural fields had the lowest richness but displayed surprisingly high species evenness. These varied impacts must be considered when future-makin decisions are made.
Responsible Party
Creator:Magnus Dobler (Author)
Contributors:Anja Linstädter (Supervisor), Ekkehard Klingelhoeffer (Hosting Institution), Liana Kindermann (Data Collector), Salvation Mahulilo (Data Collector), Daniela Niedeggen (Data Collector)
Funding Reference:Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG): CRC/TRR 228: Future Rural Africa: Future-making and social-ecological transformation
Publisher:CRC/TRR228 Database (TRR228DB)
Publication Year:2020
File Details
Data Type:Text - Text
File Size:6.4 MB
Date:Submitted: 30.07.2020
Mime Type:application/pdf
Data Format:PDF
Download Permission:Only Project Members (Download Embargo will be lifted after project end)
General Access and Use Conditions:According to the TRR228DB data policy agreement.
Access Limitations:According to the TRR228DB data policy agreement.
Licence:[TRR228DB] Data policy agreement
Specific Information - Report
Report Date:30th of July, 2020
Report Type:Master Thesis
Report City:Cologne, Germany
Report Institution:University of Cologne
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator:Liana Kindermann
Metadata Created:29.10.2020
Metadata Last Updated:29.10.2020
Funding Phase:1
Metadata Language:English
Metadata Version:V50
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