SPOT-6 satellite scene of Lake Baringo area (Kenya) – 2013-09-22

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Title:Main Title: SPOT-6 satellite scene of Lake Baringo area (Kenya) – 2013-09-22
Description:Abstract: SPOT 6 and 7 are two high-resolution wide-swath imaging satellites built and operated by EADS Astrium (now Airbus Defence and Space). They were designed to secure the continuity of the SPOT series, which has been collecting an archive of more than 30 million of scenes since 1986. The SPOT 6 satellite was successfully launched on September 9, 2012 by India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, followed by SPOT 7 on June 30, 2014. The satellites feature two NAOMI (New AstroSat Optical Modular Instrument) instruments, high-resolution pushbroom imagers based on a Korsch-type telescope. Both satellites operate coorbital with the high resolution Pléiades-HR satellites. This dataset contains a panchromatic and a multispectral SPOT 6 scene with a spatial resolution of 1.5 m (panchromatic) and 6 m (multispectral). The scene was acquired on 2013-09-22 and covers around 324 km² in the southern part of the Lake Baringo area (Kenya). The dataset is provided as a GeoTIFF with WGS84/UTM 36N projection. Please regard the academic licence agreement before use.
Citation Advice:©Airbus DS (2013)
Responsible Party
Creator:Airbus Defence and Space (Originator)
Contributor:Tanja Kramm (Contact Person)
Publisher:CRC/TRR228 Database (TRR228DB)
Publication Year:2020
TRR228 Topic:Infrastructure
Related Subproject:Z2
Subjects:Keywords: Remote Sensing, Geodata, Satellite Imagery, GIS, Raster Data, Africa
GEMET Inspire Spatial Data Theme: Orthoimagery
Geogr. Information Topic:Imagery/Base Maps/Earth Cover
File Details
Data Type:Dataset - Dataset
File Size:259.7 MB
Date:Available: 04.11.2020
Mime Type:application/zip
Data Format:GeoTIFF
Download Permission:Only Own Subproject
General Access and Use Conditions:Access and Use is subjected to terms and conditions of the Academic Licence Agreement by Airbus DS. Please contact for more information.
Access Limitations:This dataset subjects to terms and conditions of the Academic Licence Agreement by Airbus DS. Please contact for more information.
Specific Information - Geodata
Temporal Extent:22.09.2013, 08:07:00
Spatial Resolutions:Resolution: 1 m
Resolution: 6 m
Spatial Representation:Grid
Presentation Form:Digital Image
Reference System:WGS 84 / UTM zone 36N (32636)
Initiative Type:Sensor
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator:Tanja Kramm
Metadata Created:04.11.2020
Metadata Last Updated:19.04.2024
Funding Phase:1
Metadata Language:English
Metadata Version:V50
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Dataset Statistics
Page Visits:264
Metadata Downloads:24
Dataset Downloads:0
Dataset Activity